Portrait 15, some hair dye

A bit of a dry period in May, family and friends visiting. I have missed my studio, but I belive a little break can be good. Like a summer shower, it cleans everything up, it settles the dust. The other day my very good friend Lucy sent me some inspiration. It made me jump into the studio to do a little face crop, with some rainbow colored hair.

The reference photo had bright lighting, called Rembrandt lighting. This creates dramatic shading, with strong contrasts.

Acrylics on canvas
25x25cm (1.5cm deep)

What did I learn

  • I get very excited when i start painting. I just jump into it, and sometimes i forget to think. With this painting, and previous ones, I have covered up to much of the collage. if I stop to think a bit more before adding paint over the collage, I can keep more of it as I want. But, i have said it before. SO I am guessing it will just keep happening….
  • Rembrandt lighting really works. Strong contrast photo means easy to paint details and a dramatic result.

Some progress shots

Messy studio

Adding inspiration

Face starting to emerge